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Positive feedback for CalderIT

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 1st March 2021
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Julia Lee from Commonsense Initiative (CSI) read the following statement out at a BNI zoom meeting. “Working for the Rugby Football League I had been spoilt with 24/7 IT support, so it was all a bit of a shock when I set up my own business. Very quickly I identified that IT was not my […]
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CalderIT is now an OFCOM registered ISP

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 20th November 2020
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This means that we can now sell and support internet connectivity services directly without going through a broker. Our internet services range from Broadband services such as ADSL2 to FTTC (Fibre Optic Broadband). We can provide Leased Line Internet connections starting at 10/100Mbps up to 10/10Gbps circuits. CalderIT is working with all the leading Internet […]
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Looking to review remote working?

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 24th September 2020
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Due to the new government rule changes on office working are you looking to review the options you have to offer or improve remote working? Calder IT can offer a number of solutions to help improve remote working. Microsoft 365 Improve internet connectivity Teams Zoom VPN SonicWALL Remote Desktop Terminal Server Security (encryption, Anti-Virus Anti-Spam) […]
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